Page builders
Super Advent Calendar is a Gutenberg block plugin but you can use it with pages built with page builders such as Divi and Elementor.
Page builders without Gutenberg block support
If your page builder does not support Gutenberg blocks you can use a shortcode to show the advent calendar.
1. Create a Gutenberg page
Most page builders allow you to switch between their page builder and Gutenberg. Create a new Gutenberg page and add the Super Advent Calendar to it. Take a mental note of the ID of the page which you can see in the address bar while editing the post e.g. /post.php?post=724&action=edit in our case 724 is the post ID.
2. Create or edit a page with your page builder
Now head over to the page you want to use Super Advent Calendar on it and edit it with your page builder, in the example below we use Elementor.
3. Leverage the shortcode in the page builder
While in the edit mode add a shortcode block and use the shortcode. Change the ID to the ID which has the original Gutenberg block on it, in our case 724.
Note that our elementor has post ID 861 (the Elementor page) and we’re using ID 724 (the Gutenberg page).
3. Save the page
The Advent Calendar should not show up on the front-end of your page.