Getting started
To get started with this plugin please follow the instructions below.
1. Install and activate the plugin
Download and install the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.

2. Using the Gutenberg blocks
After activating the plugin you can use the Advent Calendar block inside a post, page or custom post type.

After choosing the Gutenberg block you’ll see a inner block appear which you can use to add days to your calendar. You’ll also see the settings at the panel in sidebar.

You can move over to the styles tab to select a default theme such as Christmas.

Or you can create your own theme using the color / gradient selection.

Note that each day (or door) in the calendar is an individual Gutenberg block which has its own settings panel allowing you to control the settings and customizations for that day. Such as when the day can be unlocked.

The date times are based on the timezone settings of your WordPress installation. Which you can find at Settings > General.
The same block also allows you to change other settings such as background- and text color, column span, height, typography and so on.

Wait there is more!
There really is a lot you can change to customize your advent calendar. We will discuss those topics in the subpages of the documentation.